The baby hatch made by Design Vulgaris has a leaf for opening and a baby crib. This is a pioneering approach that provides more diverse and convenient ways of installing and using the baby hatch. The baby hatch is designed for being opened from the side, thus making it easier to put the baby in. Once the baby is placed in the crib, the baby hatch is automatically closed and locked until the baby is taken out of the crib. After a small while, a sound signal is given to the people standing on guard notifying them about the left infant. Meanwhile, the mother has gone away unnoticed.
The new baby hatch can be mounted into a door, a window or a wall either by planning a space for it during construction or by setting it up during the exploitation of the building.
The baby hatch is completely independent and does not require maintenance or special service. The leaf that is used for opening is heat-insulated and, thus, does not create heat loss in the isolating constructions of the building. It is made of stainless materials and is designed to be particularly durable.
The baby hatch has a warranty of 5 years.
DESIGN: Kaspars Endols
DEVELOPMENT: Studio Vulgaris 2012